Sunday, 22 June 2014

Today I finished the roof!!! Can't quite believe I had exactly the right amount of tiles. It's almost as if I'd worked it out!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Continued with the roof for a few hours today, made some zinc soakers from the zinc I found in the ruin, and cemented them down the ruin wall, it's raining now but if it's fine tomorrow I'll crack on with the tiling.

Friday, 13 June 2014

The eagle eyed among you, or perhaps just the un-dopey will have realised I made a balls of installing the velux. I woke up this morning and I realised I'd done it wrong, I must have been thinking about it in my sleep. Anyway the problem was I had installed it too low and the flashing would have gone under the tiles, so I had to remove the whole velux and raise it a couple of inches. 'Tis done now anyway.


Thursday, 12 June 2014

Finished the litto (lats) today and also put the flashing on the velux, some pieces were missing from the velux I was given though, so I had to make them from some old zinc I found in the ruin, it doesn't look too pretty but it should be waterproof. I will use whats left of the zinc to make the soakers for the tiles down the ruin wall, then cement them in. Will start that in the next day or two. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, 9 June 2014

More litto (lat) fitting today. Got to the join of the roof and the spacing has worked out just right, but I think I was probably just lucky, although I did actually work it out before I started, I didn't expect it to be right. Pitch perfect too, to coin an old musical thingy. Need some more litto and the flashing kit for the velux before I can continue, I'll get them tomorrow and carry on in the afternoon if the weather stays fine.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

I found some tiles on leboncoin (a sort of french ebay) that I collected in the truck, about an hours drive away, fairly hairy ride back with a full load.
So made some progress with the kitchen roof.  I've felted the roof and started with the lats, had a velux window donated from some French friends that I've fitted. So another 3-4 days of latting and I'll be ready to lay the tiles. Mum won't let me work on the roof without her being there so she comes down and sits in the garden while I work, she helps a little bit too.

 The sign above was given to me by Tracy, a woman from Leeds who owns one of the seven properties in la Borie, she had taken it off my ruin about 10 years ago.

 Me ole mum and one of me ole Dads still life's.

 The kitchen roof in the truck.

 mum in my 'at