Saturday, 21 September 2013

Over the last week I've been lime plastering the walls of the living room and around the old stone sink which now looks like some sort of sacrificial altar. With my limited plastering skills, not sure they could even be considered skills, I think I did alright.

With the weather turning colder I thought it would be a good idea to get the old wood burner into it's final position. The day I was about to cement up the plinth for the poele a bois, the folks arrived to see how things were progressing, my Father suggested I put the poele at an angle facing into the room. I think this is a good idea, so I extended the concrete to accommodate it. Using an old stone fire place that I'd acquired from some friends, with a few modifications I made the plinth. Very pleased with it. Taking the flue out the other window in the corner means that it goes up the back wall and is no longer visible from the garden.

 The various blocks and beams I needed to move the poele into place, these things are cast iron and extremely heavy.

 I still need to finish the top of the plinth, unfortunately I don't have enough of the tiles to cover it so will have to find an alternative, or may stand the actual poele a bois on a steel plate and tile around that.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Today I knocked the corner window through, and cemented it up. I'll have to make a frame for it.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Yesterday I cemented an area in the corner of the living room, creating a concrete plinth at floor level, this will later be raised to about 6 inch above the floor level to stand the wood burner on.

I also found another window in the bottom corner of the ruin after clearing some stones away, So I'll break through the wall and put another small window in the living room, it'll be right in the corner by the wood burner, so as well as being a much needed light source it'll be handy for passing the logs through!

Today I have continued with the plastering in the living room. I'd also planted some tomato cuttings my Dad had given me early in September that seem to be doing ok, but they might not have time to ripen now.

I almost forgot, yesterday as well as being 9/11 anniversary was the anniversary of my first blog post here! So I've been at it for a year now, amazing how quickly it's gone.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Finished building the kitchen walls, apart from the wheel barrow access gap.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

I very nearly finished the wall off yesterday, one more days work and it'll be finished, apart from the gap I've left for wheel barrow access, but I'll leave that till much later on. Today I put in the drain pipe for the water ballon.