Wednesday, 28 November 2012

All the upstairs windows are in place now, just need to alter the tin flashings from the outside. It's starting to look like a little house, from the outside at least. 

 The downstairs window needs a little modifying, sans planning permission. A little bit of stone work to do, to make it fit.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Got two of the windows in today, one of the little ones upstairs and the largest one upstairs, just need a little finishing.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

I've had some trouble with the peugoet starter motor last week, garage wanted 350 euro to sort it, so my time has been occupied trying to fix it, got very little done on the maison as a result.

But in my absence the water arrived at La Borie, I am now connected to the mains water supply, very pleased about that, it's only taken 3 months, (that's not sarcasm!).

I've been making windows for the place too as I mentioned in an earlier post, 4 in all, just about finished them, all double glazed, they don't look half bad even though I do say so myself.

I bought a poêle à bois (that's French for a wood burning stove) off some friends of my folks too, ready for the winter. Once the windows are fitted, I'll be able to heat the place. When I get the floor in and a bit of plumbing and electric I'll be able to move in to the upstairs area while I work on the rest. That's the plan anyway. 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

All the beams are safely in place and the acro's removed. Beam cleaning has been occupying me for the last few days.  They've come up lovely. They've been levelled and all the old floorboards have been removed ready for the new floor. I've been thinking of cleaning up the old floor boards and putting them back and then the new floor on top of that, just because they look so great from down below, but I'd have to find some others to fill the gaps as there's not enough decent ones. I've also been busy making some window frames, I'll post about this later.